Why Do Dogs Bark?

Barking is one of the most basic vocal communication methods dogs use. Depending on your dogs’ situation, his barking can have different meanings and here is some of them.

Oyku Uzuncarsili
4 min readOct 24, 2020
Photo courtesy of Oyku Uzuncarsili, author — Meet my best friend Papi — The cutest terrier

Protectionism / Territorialism: If a person or an animal tries to get close to the area that your dog counts as his area, this usually triggers the dog’s need to bark excessively. This barking becomes aggressive and louder as the threat approaches him and his territory. Your dog may appear anxious and aggressive in these situations.

Alarm / Fear: Some dogs need to make a sound against objects that catch their attention or catch them by surprise. This can happen not only in the regional area at home but indeed anywhere.

Boredom / Loneliness: Dogs are herd animals. Dogs left alone for long periods — whether at home or in the garden — can get bored and upset, which can cause them to bark excessively.

Welcoming / Playing: Another barking habit of dogs comes when they greet a person or other animal. This is usually a happy bark, and it is fairly easy to distinguish it from aggressive barking. In this type of barking, your dog will bark while jumping and wagging its tail.

Attention: A dog who wants to go outside, play, or have a reward may also tend to bark excessively.

Separation Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety bark excessively, especially when left alone. However, they also show other symptoms such as rushing around, distraction, depression, and improper defecation. Compulsive barking dogs’ main reason for barking is actually because they want to hear their voices. Running in circles or running along a fence is also among the symptoms of separation anxiety.

How You Want To Approach Excessive Barking Problem

Getting your dog to bark less will take time, practice, and regular training. Don’t expect this to happen overnight; only with the right technique and the right timing, you will be able to see improvement in your dog’s barking. When you are trying to control your dog’s bark, there are two important tips you should never forget:

Yelling at your dog when he barks causes him to yell more because when you yell your dog thinks you are supporting him. So the first and golden rule of controlling the barking is always to speak calmly, hard, and without shouting.

“Hush!” instead of getting used to the command “Be quiet!” It will be more efficient to practice the command.

How Is Excessive Dog Barking Treated?

It is possible to approach this problem with different solution options. When your dog starts barking, say “Quiet” using a firm, calm tone. Wait until he stops barking and give him a treat in appreciation. The most important thing to be aware of here is that you do not reward him when he barked. Ultimately, he will realize that he will receive a reward when he stops barking against the command to “be quiet”, and he will stop barking. If you keep the prize something tasty like cheese or chicken, you will be giving it a more valuable response than barking.

Alternatively, speak to your dog first; You can also teach him to stop talking with a command such as “Be quiet” when he learns to do this safely. You can teach this by command or by putting your index finger on your lips. If you practice these commands while your dog is calm, he will wait for your signal over time, even when he wants to bark at anything.

A tired dog is also a quiet dog. If your dog is barking when alone, let him out before you leave him alone. Go for a long walk or jog, bring a ball with you, or visit the dog park. Treat your pet like one of the family!

Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash

Do not let the problems continue unresolved. The longer a dog has a habit, the harder it is to break it. Since barking creates an adrenaline secretion in dogs, it necessarily comes to them as an enjoyable activity. Letting your dog bark in certain situations can ultimately make your dog aggressive towards those situations where he shouldn’t be. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the problem of excessive barking as soon as possible and solve the problem.

However, sometimes dogs may apply to excessive barking due to some medical problems. The reason for this can occur in many different ways, from bee bite to brain damage. Older dogs can grow into an old age which causes excessive vocalization. Therefore, it is useful to show your dog to a veterinarian as soon as you encounter an excessive barking problem.

